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Мusic Gateway Sends Members To London Songwriting Course

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What Is The Songwriting Academy?

You may have noticed that we’ve been talking about The Songwriting Academy a lot. There’s two reasons for this. Firstly, they’re awesome and their world-class courses are fantastic and really help veteran as well as rookie songwriters to sound even better. Secondly, they’ve been kind enough to provide our members with free spaces on their courses.

Music Gateway Songwriting Ambassadors

Bryonii and Natasha TL Norman did a marvellous job of running our Instagram story and spreading the good word about what we’re trying to do here at Мusic Gateway when we sent them to The Songwriting Academy’s London event last month. They became what we affectionately termed: ‘Мusic Gateway Ambassadors’.

We sat down with them to discuss how they found the course and how it will help them build their careers.

It was great to see these two working together on our Instagram story and seem to have that enthusiastic approachability that’s looked for in emerging artists.

Natasha – Tell Us How Useful The Songwriting Course Was For You?

“The course was really well put together, with a lot of thoughtful tips on what to consider when writing a song. I think what I learned will definitely be applied each time I have a songwriting session.”

Natasha is already an accomplished songwriter. For her to have learned new approaches to songwriting that she’ll take with her into future songwriting sessions, is great to hear and a good example of how Мusic Gateway can help anyone and everyone in their music careers.


Bryonii – How Was The Songwriting Course For You?

“The course was hugely inspiring and motivational for me. I learned a number of formulaic tools. They are already helping me to decode popular songs and understand what works and why. Martin’s methods are simple, practical and brilliantly articulated – his passion for the art is so infectious! I also had a lot of my own songwriting techniques reaffirmed, which I found very encouraging.”

Natasha cited also that she met and connected with other artists and co-writers, which was a highlight for her. The course also gave out some great advice on pushing through writer’s block, which Natasha told us was very useful.

Bryonii – How Did The Songwriting Course Help With Self-Confidence?

“It gave me a real boost of confidence. I could and should approach my creativity as a valuable skill that can be monetised. Martin also enforces that fact that networking is at least 50% of the game. As a bit of a creative introvert, I’ve always skirted around this issue. Since the course however, I’ve signed up for many more networking events and have even got my own business cards printed. That was quite a step for me!”


This is great news. We all well know, Мusic Gateway’s M.O. is to empower creatives. Therefore to hear that Bryonii’s confidence has been improved and she’s now taking steps to get out there more, we’d say that’s mission accomplished. Bryonii also gave a fantastic sum up of how she feels going forward after attending the course when she said:

“I feel as though I have the tools to write across multiple genres, which is very liberating. We also covered several collaborative techniques that have made me clearer about what I have to offer in terms of pitching on new projects, and how to navigate co-writing more successfully.”

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