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Understanding the E/B Piano Chord
Often appearing in sheet music simply as “E/B”, the E/B piano chord is an E major chord in the first inversion, where the ‘B’ – the fifth...
The Best In Ear Monitors: A Guide for Musicians
In-ear monitors (IEMs) have revolutionized the way musicians experience their performances and recordings. These miniature headphones have become an...
Top 30 Songs With Best Drums
Drumming is the heartbeat of music, a universal language that transcends cultures and time. Throughout history, drumming has played a pivotal role in...
Choosing The Right Drum Rack
In the ever-evolving world of music production, the drum rack has emerged as an indispensable tool for musicians and producers alike. This versatile and...
The Beat That Guides: Understanding Click Track In Music
A click track is a series of audio cues used to synchronize sound recordings, sometimes for synchronization to a moving image. It’s essentially a...
What Is a Secondary Dominant?
In the vast and intricate world of music theory, having a profound understanding of chord progressions and their underlying functions can truly enhance your...
Simple Chord Progression Chart
Are you a budding musician, passionately strumming your guitar or deftly tickling the ivories on your piano, lost in the mesmerising world of melodies? Or...
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